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Photo credit: Vitaliy Lyubezhanin


It started with the same argument again, that had occurred multiple times on previous occasions.


"I don't want to get married."
"But everyone has to!"
"Why should I do what everyone does? Is it a compulsion?"
"It's not a compulsion, but it's a necessity."
"What's if it's not my NECESSITY and I don't want it."
"Everyone needs it else you will die alone."
"Everyone is alone after dying so how does it matter."
"You have to get married else who will take care of you."
"I will take care of myself."
"Who will take care of you when you will get ill?"
"I will somehow manage. Many people have no one in their lives, they also manage."
"What will happen once you get old? You will need a company else you will be alone."


The argument always ends by deliberately bringing fear in your life that YOU WILL BE LEFT ALONE. So, to avoid that, you need one person along with you to live. Is getting married all about security and protection in India? The only reason you should be married is, there should be someone to take care of you if you are ill or old. There is no other major significance. It doesn't matter if you are a friend of them or not, it even doesn't matter whether you know the other person or not and it also doesn't matter whether your choices, dreams and future goals are aligned or not. You have to be with a person for security, and your opinions are neither heard nor accepted.


After looking at enormous Quora posts by Indians who describe their regretful decision of "getting married", it can be concluded that majority of the Indian couples are unhappy. Then why do we marry just for the sake of it? Is marriage not BIGGER or VALUABLE than just been taken for granted? Isn't your companion for life, meant to improve your life or make you a better individual. Isn't your partner supposed to be moral support or motivation for you? Unless finding such characteristics in another person, how could you marry just anyone? Well, it doesn't matter in India, here you have to marry only and only for your security in old age.


And also, these are the major reasons especially for a woman to get married in India - SAFETY and PROTECTION. A woman needs to be married to save themselves from a future #MeToo incident in their lives. Sad but true!


I hope that our country becomes brave enough to learn to accept different opinions and to think rather than arguing about it.

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