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I was suffering from menstrual pain ever since I was a teenager, and it was quite unbearable for me to handle. The pain used to start couple of days prior to the actual start date especially the legs pain and then followed by pain in stomach, waist and back. The first day was probably the toughest to deal because of the pain and I always found myself struggling to sit straight because of that in school and later in college. All I wanted was to lie down especially during the first day. Inspite that it was painful, I never took any medicine for the same when most of my friends/ mates did. I didn’t want to become dependent on the same and also had a belief that everything can be handled/ fixed by the mind. As I knew that even physical pain can be managed by controlling the mind like when we start focusing on something else, we lose focus from the pain, so I always preferred to handle it that way. However last year, when I started reading about spirituality and mainly about chakras in general, I not only found the reason of menstrual pain but also managed to cure that within 6-8 months.


The chakra related to menstruation pain is sacral chakra which is also linked to pleasure, happiness and enjoyment. It is linked to our womb area. It often gets blocked due to shame and guilt. In the past, women were made to feel guilty when they chose to spend time with their friends or anything which had to do with their own happiness as it was mentally embedded in them that if they aren’t sacrificing themselves or taking care of their family the entire 24 hours of their life, then they should feel ashamed of it. That was the programming being done by the society and similarly how they also started thinking. I can also take my example here like I always loved watching cricket matches in stadium because of the vibe at the stadium and the atmosphere around. Now inspite that I am the female, it is just me in the family who has a craze to watch matches in the stadium whereas my father and brother prefers watching the matches on tv. So when I was growing up and started to watch few matches at stadium due to my love for cricket, I used to feel bad or carried a guilt that I was spending so many hours at stadium and was coming late at night (as the matches used to end at 10-11 pm) So imagine that it made me feel guilty when I choose to be happy and was doing something for myself. Due to that, I couldn’t feel completely happy about it. Thats how the programming of the mind was. Trust me, it’s not just me but there are many women who carry a certain amount of guilt for doing/choosing something that made them happy. This is what a sacral chakra blockage is. This is also one of the reasons indicating your menstrual pain.


I might sound unreasonable here but just keep on reading this for a while. So when last year, I started working on balancing my sacral chakra by listening to meditation music or beej mantra or through yoga, I noticed a shift in my nature as I stopped carrying that guilt anymore. I started watching more matches at stadium; started choosing to be happy and since then, things started to change. It’s been almost a year since I started working on my chakras including sacral chakra and from past 5-6 months, my menstrual pain has decreased drastically. Someone who couldn’t sit properly during first day now can even do the entire 1 hour daily yoga on the first day as the pain has reduced so much.


I insist you to read about sacral chakra and make an attempt to balance this chakra. There are various methods available on google or you can also reach out to me for that. I can guide you towards those mechanism and I hope it will help you to have a pain free period.

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