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The most important and crucial phase of a spiritual and/or Kundalini awakening journey is that of the dark night of soul. What this means and how to know if you are going through one of those phases of a dark night of soul?


The Dark night of soul is that phase in our spiritual/kundalini awakening journey which shakes us to the core either by an ego death or by bringing extreme fear or by shattering our lives. The most common medium of facing this is through daily dreams which are so brutal and fearsome that it will start to affect our real life no matter how strong and confident person we are.


For me, this was the time period which made me realise that I might be going through a kundalini awakening. Prior to that, I was just ignorant and was just a bit aware that something weird was happening.


In my case, it happened through dreams:


Dreams related to ego death where your past wrong deeds will be showcased

Extreme fearsome and intense dreams

Frequent dreams related to the death/illness/injuries of family members and loved ones (whomsoever we are attached to)

Frequent dreams of our own death

Waking up at night after every hour or two after intense and fearful dreams

Dreams involving negative spirits or attacks by evil spirits in dreams

Dreams that make you feel tired, anxious and worried


This phase not just makes you fearful, anxious and worried for your family members but will also make you feel miserable. I still remember when there was a time I was scared of sleeping and felt that staying awake whole night was a better option than to fall asleep and get those horrifying dreams. But inspite of trying, I felt so tired and sleepy that without any effort, I dozed off every night and saw those dreams again and again.
I have also seen people whose entire lives fell apart during such phase. It’s appropriate to term this as a storm before the stillness.


Why this happens and what’s the purpose of facing such a phase?


To reduce the attachment from our loved ones

To reduce the attachment from our human life and to not be afraid of death

To reduce our attachment from worldly possessions

To make us humble and break our ego, so that we listen to the soft voice of our soul

To make us stronger and brave so that we don’t take decisions out or fear but the one that comes from our heart

To purify and clean the energies from our chakras


The important thing to note here is that it is not one single phase but can occur in multiple phases like I am currently going through the second phase of the dark night of soul after having the first one that lasted for almost 3 months.


From my personal experience, what I gained from the phase of dark night of soul is:


Realised that I had so many fears and attachments and came out from it as a braver and stronger person. It made me a bit detached towards my possessions and also to my loved ones. I became mature, more humble and also realised that life can turn upside down at any point of time and nothing is indeed in our hands. Before this, I was living my life in a quite organised fashion where I was particular about how I want to go about each day. I wanted everything to be in my control and was quite stubborn about it. But that changed a bit, I have started accepting the life as it is. I stopped planning much ahead in advance and started to flow with time and being in the present moment. Nothing is actually in my control just nothing except for being in the present moment.


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