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The country of my dream,
is not the one in which I live


The silent roads at night,
speak about some plight


Dreams of mishappening here and there,
haunts everybody's mind


We are insecure in our own homes,
and there is no ray of hope


The jealousy, hatred and greed in everyone's life,
are all the reason for daily crimes


The arguments and fight between people,
is the need to boost their ego and materialistic pleasure


People are living without their inner soul,
money is now their only goal


The relationships are now only for a motive,
It becomes too late until others realize and notice


No miracles happen these days,
the stories of God that we listen and read,
Sounds so fiction and fake
What left is only a bit of hate


We are waiting for the morning,
when the birds will start singing


There will be a smile on everybody's face,
In their every word, there would be only praise


The trust and love will be around,
Noone will be stranger in this whole crowd


The day we will treat the whole world as a family,
is when we will live gladly


The inner soul of people has to wake up,
the heart and mind needs a make up


In this century, God is still within us
who can come out in our lives with our trust


The country in which I live,
can then become the country of my dreams


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