The salary wasn’t that big but the pride was enough

Photo Credit: Dmitriy Nushtaev      I walked into the streets when I was a kid, Looked at the huge film poster standing tall in my city. When other kids got mesmerized and dreamt of becoming an actor, I chose to become a government officer. The salary wasn’t that big, but […]

A movement that is still waiting for its closure

Photo Credit – @sushantsinghrajput     The time had always been divided into two periods: B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (anno domini, or the year of our lord). This was changed on 14th June 2020 when the SSR Warriors divided the time into: Before 14th June 2020 and After 14th […]

Is being disrespectful and abusing others a new trendsetter?

Photo Credit: William Krause   Social media or media, in general, is majorly responsible for influencing teenagers and youth. This is the age when you are more reactive and believe in whatever is shown to you. You get influenced not just by what the media is showing to you but […]

Time to hear your conscience

Photo credit: Diego PH   Since childhood, we have been told by our parents that we are living in Kalyug era, the age of Downfall which is the final era in the spiritual evolution of man. Unfairness in society and corruption were few characteristics of this era that I never […]